What is it that you’re going to do to survive?
You must…
- – Recognize that the way we do business is going to keep changing and evolving
- – Understand that it will require hard choices to stop the bleeding
- – Create a plan that exudes hope
- – Act fast! Roll out the plan into action
ACTIONS > Fiscally:
- – If eligible, file NOW for State and Federal Assistance !
- – Create a working budget to control your spending. Assess and analyze your cash flow daily. We’ve put together a Working Budget for you. Submit your email below and download it for free.
- – Delay payments for nonessential items
- – Turn off auto payments
- – Engage your vendors
- – Within reason, ask more from your existing team
- – Address pay cuts/furloughs/layoffs fast and hard! If you don’t make this a priority, your employees will always be wondering, “I am next?”
ACTIONS > Marketing:
- – Create a new sales plan, identify the framework, and/or identify the media platforms needed for future sales – for example: ?
- – Stay in touch with your clients! This is not a good time to hard-sell your products, but it’s a great time to inform, explain, educate and (perhaps) entertain via emails, blogs, videos, podcasts, webinars and social posts
- – Inform clients that you have dedicated phone line
- – Analyze your CRM – Identify and prioritize the clients that you want to target
- – Update menus, your website, protocols and manuals
ACTIONS > With your team…
Express gratitude and take actions that give you the power to Innovate and Pivot
- – Hold a virtual all-team meeting (ZOOM.com) or have one-on-one phone calls
- – Create a timeframe and an agenda
- – Be transparent
- – Guide them to the services they are eligible for
- – Acknowledge their emotions, grief and “noise” .
- There are two kinds.
- Internal: fear and anxiety
- External: the behavior or outward actions of others
- Help them adopt a more positive mindset, one of possibilities
- There are two kinds.
- – Trust your staff’s expertise and identify the areas where you need assistance
- – Let them know what’s ahead and that there will be a new “normal”
- – If necessary, ask for assistance from an outside source
All of this will require strong LEADERSHIP
What leadership traits do you need to adopt?
- – Confidence
- – Problem Solver. Make decisions – there is no second-guessing
- – To keep moving
- – Stand tall, demonstrate confidence and instill it in others
- – Be a competent project manager
- – Have the ability to share management’s vision
Future Actions?
How are you going to make future sales in a better way that addresses the current situation?
- – Figure out how to fill existing clients
- – How do I get clients to buy, when no one is buying?
- – How can I continue to provide my current product or service using a different method?
- – Identify the “value” of what you can offer
- – Plan to advertise the symptoms that speak to your client’s pain. Your product and services are the SOLUTION
- – Prepare for your re-Opening.
We are here for YOU!
Spa-Solutions offers a step-by-step approach to design, build, equip, brand, and/or operate spa, salon & wellness facilities. We offer expert advice and assistance in:
- Facility Design
- Equipment Selection & Procurement
- Development of Services, Treatments, and Menus
- Retail, Marketing Strategies & Promotions
- Improving Operations, Policies & Procedures
Book a Discovery Call Today! Email: lwalker@spa-solutions.net or Call 401-667-7187