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Spa Drape Custom




Easily protect your table from moisture and staining. Made from our earth-friendly TerraTouch fabric in the color of your choice, these durable drapes are the perfect solution for any treatment table.

Reversible, soft white cloth on one side, TerraTouch upholstery color of your choice on the other.

Waterproof, stain-resistant, hygienic surface supports damp spa treatments such as mud and seaweed wraps, while protecting table top from exposure to lotion, oil and crème.

Complete coverage for any massage/spa treatment table provided by the full size: 94″ long by 50″ wide.

  • Waterproof and washable.
  • Make your table look like new! Great for tables that have damaged upholstery and can not be cleaned properly anymore.
  • Protects your table top from exposure to oils and cremes!
  • Stain-resistant, hygienic surface also permits spa treatments such as mud and seaweed.

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